Here are some basic ideas, although in the future I may try to stray away from location and time based mappings if possible. I’m not sure how personal this mapping should be, so I stuck with data that seems like it could be found online that other people could also find interesting.

  • Mapping music preference in some form, similarly to how Spotify assigned people gradients for their music, but for campus or across the US. When interacted with, suggests music that is popular in the region specifically. Gradients behave similarly to Snapchat maps.

  • Mapping the trends of graphic design over time. Ex. The recent obsession with gradients, wavy text, and outlined text.

  • Mapping the trends of video game publishings. Ex. Surges in cyberpunk themed and rougelike/roguelite games.

  • Mapping mixed race births across the United States, linked to the study from a long time ago that said humans would for the most part look similarly as time goes on.

  • Some mapping of experiences over quarantine and people’s reaction to the pandemic.