• What kind of experience or imagination are you trying to map? Mapping real-life cities to movies/fantasy that takes place in an alternate version of the city or is inspired by the city. (ex. queens <= marvel spiderman, chicago <= divergent, etc.)
  • What are the dimensions of your experience/imagination that you are trying to visualize? The two dimensions would be the real-life geography and the fictional one. I’m not quite sure what form they would take yet, but I was thinking that elements of the fictional geography would be overlayed over the real one.
  • What is the data source for your mapping idea? The real-life geography would be drawn from sources like google maps, while the fictional one would require curating a collection of movies scenes/stills and other media.
  • What are possible inspirations for your mapping idea? I found some interactive maps such as marseille 2021 (https://marseille.laphase5.com/en) and the Netflix map for witcher (https://www.witchernetflix.com/en) very interesting, but I’m not quite sure how these inspirations would merge with my idea yet.