LUMA (1300 × 1200 px) (1).png

As previously discussed, LUMA Energy is a new, privatized energy system that currently powers all Puerto Rican homes. For the final version of my subversive advertisement, I focused on accentuating the idea that LUMA Energy only provided reliable power to a certain subsection of the island, which goes against their mission of being “Built for Puerto Rico”. I accomplished this by utilizing a satellite image of the island post-hurricane and accentuating the darkness of the non-metro areas. This use of real images is classic of the advertisement for LUMA Energy.

In terms of visual design, I focused on using a font very similar to the one used in the company’s print advertisements. This consisted of the “Built for Puerto Rico” tagline that is often displayed in these. I modified this taglin so the phrasing accentuated the imagery used. Another component I extracted from these advertisments were the white lines that portrude from the LUMA logo. These tradditionally represent light beams that relate with power. I repurposed these lines to also represent the cables in power lines. I used this recognizable iconography (the power lines) to highlight what the company’s purpose is: an energy company.