
These are lyrics from Sea by BTS, translated to English and modified slightly: “I don’t know, I don’t know, Am I feeling the ocean waves? I don’t know, I don’t know, Am I being chased by the desert wind? I don’t know, I don’t know, Is this the sea or the desert? Is this hope or despair? Is this real or fake?”

The song uses the concept of reaching the sea to represent achieving a final success, whereas the desert represents a difficult journey towards that sea. This verse is about how we can’t always tell when we’ve reached our goals or whether we’re in the ocean or the desert. I tried to capture this feeling with the long reels of “I DON’T KNOW” across the design, and a very similar design for “Am I feeling the ocean waves” and “Am I being chased by the desert wind”. For the final section, I contrasted the concepts of the hope of reaching success at the sea versus the despair of trekking through the desert, and finally whether we know our success is real or fake.

With my animation, I hope to capture this even further by adding movement to the text and adding a glitching effect to the “I DON’T KNOW” text to make it more discordant and confused. I also might adjust the spacing and design of the last three lines to make the piece more cohesive.