I found the serpentined data representations interesting. For both the river comparison chart and tokyo’s water supply chart, the data curves and bends around to work with the graph’s grid. While I found both examples really visually interesting, it made me wonder why the designers chose a sepentined data representation as opposed to just rescaling the graph. The serpentined graphs made it harder to visualize the differences between different rivers/water supplies, and since the designers can choose any scale, I was puzzled as to why they would chose to work around the space limitations this way.

The most difficult-to-understand graphs in the reading for me were the dance notations. While I really liked all the “art of dancing” diagrams and the way they played with perspective to give information about different dance steps, the way that music notes were marked made it difficult to follow. The birds-eye view where they abstracted different steps into symbols were also very confusing to me without a clear key to reference.