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Here, CNN stands for “Convolutional Neural Network.” Many media sources have addressed highlighting truths versus “fake news.” Although many of our conversations revolve around the contents of our news feeds, we often lose track of the reporters themselves. A hugely silent pressure arises in the form of on-screen presence (and ratings as a networks) versus factual reporting for the sake of delivering information. In this ad, Neural Style Transfer using Tensorflow was utilized to transfer a barbie reporter image “style” onto an image of Charlize Theron from “Bombshell.” A face merge was also used. Despite the wide successes of female reporters, an added “layer” to their positioning on a large station can be their appearance. I hope to challenge viewers in their beliefs on this topic. Do we still take extremely intelligent people and distill them to their looks or an unreal expectation? A combination of true breaking news reports and false headlines give depth to the background and further our question of where truth lies.

CNN was used due to its relationship with Convolutional Neural Nets, as well as its slogan. The design is meant to address the media as a whole, not one station.


Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 7.50.05 PM.png Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 7.49.30 PM.png barbie.jpeg

Slogan: truthfwd.png