The example from the Envisioning Information reading that stood out to me the most as interesting and effective was “The Art of Dancing” because it incorporates many of the elements we have been talking about that add depth to a design. For example, the shadowed floor breaks away from the 2D flatness of a page and adds perspective and angle. The symmetry between the dancers created tension and draws you into the center of the page. Additionally, the representation of music, movement, and dance on the floor through overlapping and smooth curved lines adds fluidity, airiness, and movement. All of these elements help the design to “escape flatland” and achieve a more realistic and profound message.

A not-so-successful example that also stood out to me was the “chartjunk”. Where Tufte says “Cosmetic decoration, which frequently distorts the data, will never salvage an underlying lack of content.” Which deprioritizes the data in exchange for a cliche image that does not contribute to the content of the design. The information is unclear, hard to read, and clearly not the main focus.