The concepts of pictorialization, informalization, emotivization, and dynamicization are intertwined with past concepts that we have read about in various ways. Pictorialization seems to relate to one of our McCloud readings where we explored the connections between text and images. It was interesting to see how the text itself could become imagery in a way and convey something to the audience. Informalization reaches more to the audience to create associations and take context in order to understand the full meaning. Emotivization leads to creating an environment for the audience and conveying something more than meaning. It becomes a feeling. These ideas were also reflected in the Spiekermann reading, where fonts were analyzed on what they can portray. Dynamicization provides change and movement to type, becoming a part of visual information that we absorb.

A grammar of kinetic design allows type to become something beyond just the meaning of the word/s. By using kinetic typography, more information can be translated to the viewer and certain meanings that cannot be relayed through words becomes accessible.