The four strategies for effective visual communication that I would like to discuss are somewhat related, in my opinion. If we look at the concept of symmetry vs. asymmetry and regularity vs. irregularity, they are both essential concepts to the balance of the content. While there is beauty in axil balance and uniformity, one could achieve more potent messages and compelling visuals by breaking the symmetry and uniformity of the objects on any medium (canvas, sculpture, etc.). Another related concept from today’s reading is predictability vs. spontaneity. Patterns that suggest an order or meets viewers’ expectations are more predictable; if those patterns are scattered and portray no clear structure, they are viewed as spontaneous and unconstrained. Finally, another concept that I found interesting is transparency vs. opacity of the objects. While some art pieces are opaque by nature, the placement and color of content in those pieces convey an important message about transparency. Showing the color of the background through an object in the foreground communicates a transparent object; concealing the background with that object signals an opaque object.