Gestalt Psychology is a prime example of how crazy it is that the human eye can automatically group things together or create order even when it is not inherently present. Our mind’s obsession with patterns can dictate how design decisions are perceived. For example, the law of closure allows us to complete shapes even when they have gaps, and the law of similarity and the law of proximity both allow us to separate design components into groups that create new meaning.

I found it interesting how morphic semiotics emphasizes that signs come in systems, meaning that the context in which signs are interpreted is an integral part of the experience. It’s no longer just a two-concept picture of the “signifier” and the “signified”, different signs have various connotations to the people who interpret them. The role of the “interpreter” becomes essential to explore. Having a more well-rounded and in-depth awareness of the many elements that contribute towards giving a sign meaning can make design concepts a lot stronger and more effective.