kinetic design
This paper discusses the development of kinetic typography, wherein words are imbued with meaning beyond simply the text they are, becoming visual metaphors through the process of adopting elements which extends into the realm of more than simply just sight. Informalization is the process of expressing the idiosyncrasies of everyday human communication into language. As with any communication technology, a loss of formality in its practice is a natural development through its establishment as a normal medium in the expression of language. In a similar vein, emotivization describes the subjective quality that is inherent to the practice of writing.
Throughout the class, we have discussed how we may effectively communicate to an audience through the use of various visual elements. Kinetic typography is one of these elements which becomes significant in its metaphoric capability which allows it to challenge the boundaries of written text through the elements of pictorialization, informalization, emotivization, and dynamicization.
I found the most interesting aspect of the paper to be the discussion of how the development of kinetic typography software within a blackbox is somehow antithetical to its aims as it strictly codifies the practice of kinetic typography to adhere with the intentions of software developers. However, kinetic design may be harnessed if we were provided with tools that have greater degrees of freedom in how text is designed and moved. In poetry, which subverts traditional language structure for the purpose of artistic expression, kinetic design may greatly extend espressive capability of the poet through, as the paper stated, “restoring to writing the expressiveness of speech that derives from tempo, rhythm, intonation and voice quality.”